- In order to request and buy goods from 4DIVING/DIVER.LT shop, a client has to be registered at 4DIVING/DIVER.LT website first of all by creating and entering a registration name and a password. 4DIVING/DIVER.LT confirms that the fact of registration means that a client will not receive any informational messages except those that are necessary to complete an order and delivery of goods. If a client wishes to receive 4DIVING/DIVER.LT newsletters there is an option to choose it.
- If a client wants to order goods, then some personal information to complete a delivery process should be provided: name, surname, delivery address, telephone number, other data needed for delivery. 4DIVING/DIVER.LT confirms that this data will be used exclusively for ordering and delivery of goods. 4DIVING/DIVER.LT is obligated not to disclose this information to third parties except 4DIVING/DIVER.LT partners that provide delivery or other services related to completing the process of orders. Exceptions in disclosure of any other type of client’s information to third parties in all cases are coordinated with a client. In all other cases any of kind of personal data can be disclosed only according to the legal acts of Lithuanian law.
- By registering at 4DIVING/DIVER.LT shop and ordering goods a client takes the responsibility to protect and not to disclose his login data. Also a client confirms that he is an adult and has a right to order goods at 4DIVING/DIVER.LT shop. In case when a client discloses his login information 4DIVING/DIVER.LT is freed from any responsibility related to this act.